Flanged Cast Iron Piston Valve

From $357.50

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The Bonetti Cast Iron Piston Stop Valve is a full bore, bi-directional piston valve that can be installed into process both directions. It is flanged to DIN 2533 - PN16 (undrilled) Standard raise face.


Size A G H V Weight (Lbs)
1/2" 5.118 110 5.512 3.714 5.5
3/4" 5.906 135 6.693 4.528 8.4
1" 6.299 150 7.2883 4.921 1414.7
1-1/4" 7.087 170 8.465 5.906 17
2" 9.055 225 11.22 7.874 34
2-1/2" 11.417 210 10.23 11.811 46.36
3" 12.205 230 11.417 11.811 61.7
4" 13.78 275 13.78 11.811 90.4

Size 15mm to 150mm
Style Full Bore

